

Bta v FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about BTA V

This page includes frequently asked questions, 答案, 关于大厦, 技术, and 学者/Athletics V Capital Levy (BTA V). 该税将于2022年2月与教育计划和运营税(EP)一起进行投票&O).


How much will the BTA V levy cost?

If approved, BTA V would raise $783 million over six years.

  • This would result in taxes of about 47 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2023, the first year it would be collected.
  • 税率在未来几年通常会下降,因为西雅图的房价会上涨.
    • Estimated rate in 2024: 45 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value
    • Estimated rate in 2025: 44 cents per $1,000 of assessed property value

Why is BTA V more than BTA IV was?

It costs more for construction and materials now than in 2016, 而且,技术方面的资金是之前征税的两倍. 这也是第一次将关键维修纳入资本税.

每1元征款税率,2016年选民通过BTA IV时,评估价值仅比征税金额多4美分.

Why is funding for technology higher in this levy than it was in earlier levies?

这主要是因为SPS在大流行期间向每位学生和教师分发了笔记本电脑. The additional devices increase costs of not only 设备, 还有支持, wi-fi等基础设施, 和软件. The state doesn’t provide much funding for technology, so the capital levy provides most funding for technology in SPS.


How does BTA V support the district’s commitment to clean energy?


  • 为清洁能源特别工作组推荐的清洁能源项目提供1200万美元.
  • 提供79美元.拨款600万元,以继续现有由非建设税资助的工作,改善学校的能源效益和节约资源.
    • LED和其他可控制使用的高效光源,如计时器和占用传感器(8美元).400万)
    • 更节能的暖通空调设备,可以集中监控(36美元).800万)
    • 为进行建筑调整以确保建筑系统尽可能高效地工作的复古调试团队提供资金(300万美元)
    • Windows, 门, 屋顶s, and insulation upgrades or replacement ($31.400万)



  • SPS receives a consultant report on the condition of school buildings
  • Consultants also develop cost estimates
  • Based on the condition scores, SPS assigns a priority level to each project
  • Refine the list using Board policy and Board Guiding Principles for BTA V, which include using an equity lens
  • Identify technology needs based on Guiding Principles, SPS技术计划, 以及与资讯科技谘询委员会(ITAC)合作确定优先次序的需求.
  • Recommendation to School Board — Priority 1 projects


Why aren’t there any school renovations or replacements included in BTA V?

BTA levies focus on small renovations, 主要维护, and improvement projects in school buildings for the buildings part of the levy.

SPS还有另一项资本税, 卓越建筑奖(BEX), that includes major school renovations and replacements. The next BEX levy is expected to be on the ballot in 2025.

What are retro-commissioning personnel?

These are the staff members who form the 楼宇调校小组. 他们定期测试和修复(或确保专家修复)SPS学校的所有设备和系统,以确保它们有效运行.

BTA V建筑部分中包含的其他非特定项目是什么?


Recurring Equipment and Planning Costs

  • Maintenance 设备 for facilities staff to use in maintaining schools
  • Grounds 设备 for grounds staff to use in maintaining school grounds
  • 供烹饪服务人员在准备和供应学生膳食时使用的食品服务设备
  • Building and site 安全 设备 includes alarms, 击剑, 相机, and other 安全 tools that arise
  • 车队的电气化将有助于支付正规的棋牌平台排行榜SPS地区卡车的成本, 货车, 从汽车到电动汽车,包括安装这些类型的汽车所需的充电站
  • 当学校需要更多的教室空间时,短期和中期容量/便携式管理支付与移动或增加便携式设备相关的费用
  • Move/BEX VI Levy Planning costs:
    • 搬迁费用包括在建设期间将学校社区搬迁到临时地点和搬迁回来的费用, 将设备和材料搬离教室,为施工做准备, 然后再回来, 还负责拆包和布置新的教室、学校设备和家具.
    • Levy planning costs include studies of building conditions, 总体规划, cost estimates for construction projects, SEPA程序, levies information development and communication, 以及与计划征税和投票相关的所有其他成本.

Major Preventative and Critical Maintenance

  • Facilities staff and materials for maintenance of schools and other facilities.


  • Covers the costs of running the district capital programs, including paying staff and providing benefits.


  • 这是约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心购买和翻新的最后一笔款项.



是的. SPS owns and operates the stadium.

Why do the stands at 纪念体育场 need to be replaced?

  • 看台建于70多年前,需要更换,以便体育场可以继续用于高中田径比赛, 为毕业典礼, 由社区. 
  • 建筑系统(基础), 屋顶, 墙, 窗户, 门, 电, 采暖通风, 照明) are in unsatisfactory or poor condition.
  • 提高地震安全所需的地震升级可能需要拆除和更换看台


  • 人造草皮场地需要更换(按照正常的更换计划,使用寿命已经结束),以保持我们高中运动队的可用性
  • Field 照明 upgrades will supply more energy-efficient 照明, 减少场外灯光影响, 更好的照明控制

Is 纪念体育场 a city landmark?

  • 纪念体育场还没有被西雅图地标局指定为地标. 当项目开始时,SPS会提名所有超过25年的地区建筑作为地标.

What will happen to the Memorial Wall if you replace the stadium?

  • The Memorial Wall would be preserved.


  • 作为体育场的主人, 如果选民在2022年2月批准BTA V资本税,SPS计划更换. 取而代之的将是一个类似于其他学区体育场的体育场,并将继续满足SPS对田径和地区赛事的需求.
  • The letter of intent means that if the BTA V levy is approved by voters, 市政府可能会与我们合作,提供一个场所,在SPS不使用时可用于其他目的. SPS would continue to own the stadium.


What does the 技术 funding include?

Capital levies pay for 85% of the district’s technology department budget, 包括软件和许可证, 设备, 人员配备, 技术基础设施.

  • 学生学习和支持: such as computers for students and teachers, classroom audio/visual 设备, 数字资产支持
  • 基础设施: 包括网络安全, 数据中心, networks including wi-fi in schools, 安全, and telephone 设备 and service.
  • 区系统:包括设备, 软件, and licenses for systems such as accounting, 人力资源, 项目管理, and student/parent tools such as PowerSchool and The Source.



What are Special Education Program Modifications and Program Placement?

这些资金是为了满足接受特殊教育服务的学生的需要,可能需要对学校建筑进行改造而预留的. 项目安置资金用于学校项目变更所需的建筑改造. 

What kind of projects are included in art 设备 and science 设备?

Science includes adding or upgrading science classrooms/science labs. Arts projects include stagecraft 设备 such as rigging, 照明, and curtains; band or choir room acoustical treatments; and replacing kilns.


We are aware that green spaces have a positive impact on education programs. Playgrounds are on a 15-year upgrade cycle. As we evaluate them, we look for areas where asphalt can be removed.

  • Removing asphalt helps reduce our stormwater costs.
  • Reducing asphalt and supplying more vegetation will help reduce heat islands.

What is the $5 million under Athletic Fields & 现场外灯 & Equipment for 林肯 高中?

这笔资金用于开发林肯高中使用的运动场. SPS is exploring all options for development of an athletic field, 包括购买林肯高中附近的土地作为运动场. 虽然SPS已经与西雅图公园和娱乐中心就选择进行了一些早期的对话, no proposals have been made for use of city parks.


No proposals have been made to convert Wallingford Park. 该公园归西雅图市所有,由西雅图公园管理 & 娱乐.